Rejuvenation and Direct drilled reseeds.

Pasture rejuvenation or overseeding is a widely practised strategy for upgrading tired grass leys often on stony steep land where ploughing and stone removal is costly or even impractical.

Planning and preparation is vital within in this strategy with soil fertility, compaction and perennial weed control being critical to the vibrance of the succeeding ley. Growers should consider perennial weed control at least one season before to reduce the risk of reinfestation early after establishment of the new ley. All major nutrients should be tested, and deficits addressed up to one year prior to sowing. Mechanical eradication of soil compaction should be carried out prior to sowing unless deep rooting plant species are the chosen option.

Overseeding results are variable and rely on good seed to soil contact, however competition from the existing sward can also be challenging.

Direct drilling is the most reliable method where turf penetration and the creation of a micro seedbed within an open channel offers improved seed to soil contact. It is critical that the channel remains open for the seedlings to grow through. Where scratch or spring tine seed broadcasters are used then maximum soil disruption, rolling and perhaps the application of an additional medium are recommended.

Direct Drilled Reseeding


Direct drilled reseeds are now being practised more widely than ever. This method reduces establishment costs, is less weather reliant and reduces carbon footprint. Pre- planning of nutrient status, perennial weed control and soil compaction are all essential, equally is the need for total weed control with glyphosate and trash removal or degradation prior to drilling.

With a “clean start”, free from the old sward, growers can select from our range of mixtures to establish a vibrant new ley.

Clyde Agriculture invested in a direct drill in 2020 and now provides a direct drilling service. The drill is equipped to sow all seeds including brassica grass and cereal seed.